OAU Staff School Alumni

Welcome to OAU Staff School Alumni

Database Registration


Rebuilding the future Now


Supporting education and innovation.

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Better Classrooms

A child's learning environment is pivotal and critical to their ability to assimilate information.  A safe and conducive environment stimulates creativity and encourages learning. 


The Right Education

To raise our future innovators, we need to deliver the right education to the students of O.A.U Staff School. An experienced and well-trained tutor can make a significant difference.


Inspire Imaginations

Learning empowers and enlightens young minds to envision the impossible. It sets their imagination ablaze to dream. O.A.U Staff School Alumni, a benefactor of Staff School quality education, is determined to restore an inspiring educational environment.


Digital Learning

The connected universe of technology has made it possible to share ideas, inventions, and stories. The power of the internet, woven into the fabric of Western Education system has increased the pace of learning. It's our vision, O.A.U Staff School will lead in Digital learning.


Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

Leaders are not born, they are taught. It all begins with the right education. Help us to make an impact!

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It's time for a change

A Clarion Call to Action.

Over the years, O.A.U Staff School has deteriorated, and the quality of education has suffered. The ones who bear the brunt the most, are innocent students who find a world without the right options.

We, the alumni of O.A.U Staff School, have been fortunate to enjoy the best Staff School has to offer. We can give the next generation better options.

It is time for us to hear the clarion call of change.

It is time to act.

Society fails not because the bad are smarter, better or stronger. It is because, you and I, who know better, stand afar and refuse to act.

Join us. Pledge to be present and make a difference


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